Sunday, 26 July 2015

tumble cries

I've been meaning to write about little face (Edith) - but keep putting it off. I wanted to write about her big raspberry period when all she did was blow, well,  you can guess. I planned to write about the weekend she just started sitting up of her own accord. It happened so quickly it even surprised us. Suddenly the muscle was there to support her frame and she was upright surveying the scene from a royal height, looking pleased with herself. 

This was a couple of months ago now. Since then she has turned her sitting position into a more mobile unit, dragging herself around on her bum. It's not crawling yet because she's got one leg stuck under her and one leg splayed out at an angle, but it's definitely movement - I'm pretty sure she knows what she's aiming for. The game goes like this: find an object then throw it so the thing rolls away from her. Then chase it leaning forward onto both hands without falling flat. I noticed that while playing this throw and chase game, she worked her way across the kitchen floor until she was grabbing for the wall.

The one thing she hasn't learned is to sit herself up again if (and when) she does tumble forward. If she reaches the tumble stalemate, then a few frustrated cries bring dad or mum to prop her back up so she can start the game again. This is really both frustration language and command language at the same time. Perhaps all frustration language has a demand for attention contained in it. That's true of most cries of frustration. They pretty much say, "Oi! come over here and give me some sympathy."